Published on 01 May 2016

We are excited to announce the launch of the “Scaling Sustainable Plastics” report at the Plasticity Forum which we initiated with our partner Trucost, and the Net Benefit Analysis in decisions made for plastic sustainability with Dell and Algix. Dell is using 38% of recycled content in all of its production now, which is a great lead in the industry. Their decisions and material use create a US$3.5bn annual NET BENEFIT to the world if their respective industries were to replicate their leadership actions. This is a great number!
Usually companies calculate the “cost” of their actions (environmental externalities), not the Benefit value created from moving to new materials, content or decisions. This new Net Benefit analysis for any decisions, products and services will give a whole set of new tools for decision makers to use, to make the right, long-term decisions for their brands, companies and the environment/communities they serve. All of the parties of this report have been involved participants of the Plasticity Forum discussions in various years.
#plasticity #plasticityshanghai #plastic #recycling wef
trucost dell
NatureWorks Future500