June forum addresses environmental impacts of plastic

Summary by Robert Rath

June forum addresses environmental impacts of plastic

Recycling Today recently ran an article about the Plasticity Forum, summarizing the project’s goals and message.

“Plastic doesn’t need to be a problem,” Forum founder Doug Woodring told Recycling Today. “There are solutions out there that can keep it from becoming waste, but we are not focusing on them in a scalable manner. The aim of Plasticity is to show who’s already doing it, how you can do it and how you can make it commercial.”

The article goes on to list several of the Forum’s speakers, such as Closed Loop Fund CEO Ron Gonen, Steve Davies of Nature Works, MBA Polymers Inc. founder Mike Biddle and Steve Russel of the American Chemistry Council.

The Forum will take place on June 24th in New York City, and focus on the latest developments in waste as a resource, scalable innovations in plastic that save money, use of new materials, designing for sustainability and solutions for a world where plastic is used but without the footprint.

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